Sunday, March 21, 2010

Hey just want to give you guys out there some words of encouragement because I know I need it at times to keep going, if you can put this somewhere and posted it may be helpful to see it, I have 5 principles that my friend used to focused for living.

1. PURPOSE – know everyday why you do what you do

2. AGENDA – write things down so your mind stays clear and not overwhelmed

3. ELIMINATING THE UNNECESSARY – get rid of time wasters (people/things)

4. BALANCE – take time to refresh yourself and stay practical (don’t forget to have fun)

5. SPIRITUAL OVERFLOW – meet God…. He is you source, If a tree can’t live without soil and a fish can’t live without water, why do we try to mange our life without God, He is our source.

So courage by definition is the quality of mind or spirit that enables a person to face difficulty, danger, pain, class homework etc., without fear; bravery.

Courage is what it takes to stand up and speak; this is our daily blog and instructors comments weekly

Courage is also what it takes to sit down and listen. Thank you for everyone that contributes to reading & listening to our vocalizations because there are many dialect to communicate from. I have enjoyed them all.

ps. my friend is Jesus, the bible gave me the wisdom to write this.

Be encouraged,

Tay Williams

Saturday, February 27, 2010

well this week is about Ernest Hemingway's Memoir of Paris from 1921 to 1926, gives a portraits in full color of Pound and Gertrude Stein and Scott and Zelda Fitzgerald and James Joyce and all the places and thoughts he went to. I was trying to read it as a movie but with him the scene changed sporadically.

Last semester I studied his life so it was good to read about one of his 1st books that his wife submitted.

I hope all of you will do well on the test….

Tay Williams

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Well It looks like quizes are moving us along but can anyone help me understand what the blog communication assignments are supposed to be looking like?

This is all new to me.

Friday, January 29, 2010

Does Change transpire without our permission?

The greatest joy in speaking is when there is no difference between how we live on and how we live off stage. with this in mind I am stepping into a feild of communication that i said i would never voyage into..

To those that like to express there thoughts I am joining your world but as for me I have another world..You have now entered into the platform, podium, the show and stage of "Mr Tays World"
